Today was the Hash Bash. Well, er, I mean the Hemp Rally. I kind of thought
about writing a blog about that, but I’m still on probation at my new job so I
better hold off on that and behave. So I’ll write about homegrown ARs and Roll-your-own SBRs.
Seems like a safer bet to me…..
Anyway, a guy walks up to me and knows that I work at A3, so he asks, “What’s the best AR you got?”
I hate these questions. Any question that starts with “What’s the best…”
is fraught with peril. Almost inevitably when we answer, the guy has a come-back. Like, “Well, what about the ‘Whiz Bang 2015’ I just read about in Job Shooter’s web
review?” Sometimes it is almost as if they guy was trying to lay an ambush for
us and let everyone in the store know how smart they are by asking about some
obscure gun that nobody else has heard of.
So, I try not to answer these questions directly. The best response to
the initial question is that it depends on a whole host of things. And often
the case is that the ‘Whiz Bang 2015’ that Joe Shooter reviewed was a
pre-production sample of a gun that won’t be available for another year or so.
And, when it comes out, it might not actually work. (Anyone remember when the
Kimber Solo came out)? Oh, and let’s not forget that "Whiz Bang" bought a whole
page worth of full-color advertisement in Joe Shooter’s magazine. Still, I’m
sure Joe was objective in his review….
Which brings us back to the original thrust of the blog. The best tactical
AR's. I asked the guy who posed the
original question what his intended purpose is for the AR. The response was something
like “Well, I want it for home defense and maybe some hunting. If you
could carry any AR you wanted in your police car, which brand, caliber, optic,
barrel, etc. would you carry?” Hmmm. The options are endless. Wilson Combat, LWRC, Smith & Wesson,
Core 15, Daniel Defense…you get the idea. There are tons of them out
there, most of them being pretty well made.
Truth be told, though, I’d opt for none of the above. Sure, they’re all
great and most any rifle on our ‘wall-o-rifles’ would probably serve my purpose
very well. But if I could take just one rifle on patrol with me and knew I
would need it in the direst of circumstances, it would be none of these. It
would be one custom built by me with guidance by "Tactical Corporal."
Bottom line is that I would believe in and trust a "Tactical Corporal"
gun right from the start. Why? My home built guns have all been built with
input from him and post-production inspection by him, and I have shot other
guns he’s built. They just simply work damn well. That, and he’d probably take
it out and shoot the crap out of it before handing it over. Using my ammo, too,
no doubt.
And you can have the same thing. If you've never built an AR but enjoy
them and want to understand them and build your own, stop in and ask for Bill
(AKA Boss Dude) or Tactical Corporal. We have or can get all the goodies you
need to build a great shooting AR.
I just guided a friend through his first build. Talk about rewarding.
He’s shot a bunch but never built one. He got the parts and sat down and spent
a couple of hours driving roll pins and putting some torque on barrel nuts with my guidance. When
he got done, we went out and he sent a couple of magazines down range to sight
it in. What a hoot!
If you want to build your own, we can give advice and pointers to you
and get you on the right path. Shooting an AR is a boat-load of fun. Shooting
one you built is even more so.
(So, what would I have Tac Corporal building if I could
carry any AR on patrol? It would be an SBR in 300BLK with 8 to 10 inch barrel (1:7 twist), a suppressor, a Rogers Super-stoc
and probably a Leupold VX-R scope. Load it with a 20rd GI magazine full of
Barnes Blacktips and watch me smile).