Monday, July 15, 2013

Frog Lube- The Barry Manilow, McDonald's Blog

“Hey,” Mrs. Blog Sarge exclaimed. “Why do these muffins smell minty?”

I tried to ignore the question. I didn’t want to admit that I had baked my guns with Frog Lube on the cookie sheet. She persisted and I finally came clean. Maybe I should have lined the cookie sheet with aluminum foil.

It did not go well.

The directions said to heat the parts to maximize the metal treatment by the product. What better way to do that than by stripping the parts, baking them at 150 for a few minutes, wiping them down liberally, re-heating and then buffing dry? I suppose that letting them sit in the sun would have worked also, as would have simply employing a hair dryer.

Anyway, I was listening to Barry Manilow and it made me think to blog about Frog Lube. So you wonder, how in the hell I got to Frog Lube from Manilow. Easy. Barry wrote a jingle for McDonalds that got him his big break.  (I bet you remember it. “You deserve a break today, so get up and get away…”) That lead me to think of greasy food, which lead to lube, which lead to Frog Lube. Easy enough, right?

Still, the fact remains that the Frog Lube stuff really works. Tactical Corporal and I did a scientific experiment. I frog lubed a phosphate finished AR bolt group and left a nickeled one alone. Then, we shot the heck out of both. The Frog Lubed phosphate BCG cleaned up as easily as the nickeled one. Plus, it smelled minty fresh

The product is advertised as being non-toxic and made of USDA food grade ingredients. It does have a minty smell as stated, and is much less offensive to those to whom Hoppe’s #9 smells bad.

I’ve been using it now for several months and have found that it is all I need. I use it for cleaning in the normal fashion. I then wipe the gun as dry as I can; following with a thin film which I let sit on the parts in the sun for a few minutes (or take a blow dryer to them). After letting them heat a bit, I simply wipe the part dry with a towel.

The lube treats the metal and apparently wicks into the pores. When firing, the Frog Lube will seep to the surface as the gun warms and will keep the gun running, but the surface retails a dry feel. Dry metal will be less prone to accumulate grit and other contaminants.

Better yet, the more you use Frog Lube, the easier it is to clean the gun the next time. As the surfaces get treated over and over, they become less prone to having crud stick.

Frog Lube also sells a solvent product. I use it for initial cleaning to help get the old petroleum lubes off guns and after that I only use it when the gun I am cleaning is really dirty. The solvent is great for this, but is not normally needed for routine cleaning of parts that have already been treated with Frog Lube.

We have the solvent, lube, paste and cleaning kits in stock now.

Happy shooting!

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